There are different ways to perform a forecast in MBAL. In this list of tutorials you will find how to perform predictions and evaluate different scenarios.
Performing the history matching and predictions for an oil reservoir – MBAL
In this tutorial, an oil reservoir is analyzed. The pressure trend is history matched and OOIP is obtained. Then, production forecast is set using well models to evaluate production rates; estimating recovery factor and future Reservoir Pressures.
Performing the predictions for an oil reservoir – MBAL
This tutorial focuses on MBAL's prediction forecast module. Using this calculation tool, future production rates are evaluated, as well as recovery factors and estimated reservoir pressures. Different development scenarios are evaluated.
Using MBAL's prediction capabilities, a forecast is calculated for a gas field with 4 wells. The model is used to obtain abandonment P/z values, evaluate proved developed reserves, and estimate the future gas production profile.
Performing the predictions for a gas reservoir – MBAL
This tutorial focuses on MBAL's prediction forecast module. Using this calculation tool, future production rates are evaluated, as well as recovery factors and estimated reservoir pressures. Different development scenarios are evaluated.
The MBAL decline analysis tool is used in this tutorial to demonstrate how to obtain decline parameters from production data using MBAL. A forecast is then run using the decline parameters obtained.
Decline Curve Analysis for Oil Wells and Type Wells – MBAL
Using decline curve analysis, 3 wells with different behavior are history matched. Then, forecasts are made to evaluate future production rates, and finally predictions are run including more wells using the Type Well concept.
A newly discovered gas reservoir is modeled using MBAL in this tutorial. Quick production forecasts and development plans are outlined (number of wells, compression pressure, etc).
This tutorial described how to perform production forecast for several scenarios for an oil reservoir. The final objective is to increase the final oil recovery factor of the field through the implementation of different ideas.