Sensitivity Analysis

Tutorials within this category show how to perform sensitivity analysis to different variables.

Gas well model performance analysis  –  PROSPER


Gas well modellling Hydraulic Fracture performance  –  PROSPER


Horizontal oil well model with flow-line  –  PROSPER


Horizontal oil well model additional calculations  –  PROSPER


Construct an IPR model using Darcy  –  PROSPER


Gas and condensate well model  –  PROSPER


Multi-layer gas well model construction  –  PROSPER


Design a water injection flow line diameter.  –  PROSPER


Annular and Tubing Flow Gas and Condensate well model  –  PROSPER


Horizontal gas fractured well  –  PROSPER


Using PROSPER and Excel to estimate gas reserves  –  PROSPER


ESP tapered pump & annular gas flow  –  PROSPER