If you are looking to perform a material balance calculation for a gas or retrograde condensate reservoir, in this section you will find a wide list of tutorials related to this fluid type.
Performing the history matching for a gas reservoir – MBAL
This introductory tutorial will guide the user how to perform a history match for a gas reservoir and obtain useful information such as the GIIP, drive mechanism, etc.
Performing the history matching for a gas and condensate reservoir – MBAL
The history matching of a gas and condensate field is performed in this tutorial. In this case, production information is available on a well-by-well basis. OGIP and acquifer parameters are obtained.
Using MBAL's prediction capabilities, a forecast is calculated for a gas field with 4 wells. The model is used to obtain abandonment P/z values, evaluate proved developed reserves, and estimate the future gas production profile.
Performing the predictions for a gas reservoir – MBAL
This tutorial focuses on MBAL's prediction forecast module. Using this calculation tool, future production rates are evaluated, as well as recovery factors and estimated reservoir pressures. Different development scenarios are evaluated.
Black Oil Condensate model validation procedure – MBAL
In material balance, using black oil PVT models for retrograde condensate gases is not always possible. This tutorial outlines the various validation checks needed to be done, and how results should be compared between the compositional (model using EOS) and the black oil model.
History Matching of a Single Layer Multi-Tank Reservoir using Material Balance – MBAL
Areal differences in reservoir pressure can be modeled using multi-tank approaches. In this case, a single gas layer is modeled using three separate tanks. The individual GIIP and the transmissibility values between the tanks are evaluated.
History Matching of a Multi-Layer Reservoir using Material Balance – MBAL
A gas and retrograde condensate field, producing from three wells, is modeled using material balance. The four productive layers aren't communicated to each other. The history matching procedure is performed using the OGIP as a regression variable.
A newly discovered gas reservoir is modeled using MBAL in this tutorial. Quick production forecasts and development plans are outlined (number of wells, compression pressure, etc).