Flow assurance/Flowlines

The tutorials in this topic will assist you on matching flow-lines, obtaining useful information (e.g. flow regimes, slug size, slug frequency) and some other tasks such as identifying bottlenecks, re-routing wells into different manifolds, etc.

Flow assurance in heavy oil pipeline   –  GAP


Pipeline model matching and PROSPER online in GAP  –  GAP


How to set re-routing schedules of wells in GAP (manually)  –  GAP


Re-Routing of any number of wells in GAP using Scripts  –  GAP


Re-routing of wells in GAP using scripts  –  GAP


How to detect bottlenecked pipelines in GAP  –  GAP


Sand Control and Erosion  –  GAP


CO2 production and corrosion  –  GAP


Liquid Loading and Pigging  –  GAP