How to...

These tutorials will show you how to perform some specific tasks in a straight forward approach, saving you time when you need support on the tool.

The idea behind these tutorials is that you jump directly to the topic needed that answers your question.

How to create and extract GAP archive files (.gar)  –  GAP


Flow assurance in heavy oil pipeline   –  GAP


Pipeline model matching and PROSPER online in GAP  –  GAP


How to set re-routing schedules of wells in GAP (manually)  –  GAP


Re-Routing of any number of wells in GAP using Scripts  –  GAP


Re-routing of wells in GAP using scripts  –  GAP


Execute open server statements  –  GAP


Merging two GAP models, using Flowsheets and Groups  –  GAP


How to perform Workovers in GAP  –  GAP


How to change the PI during a production forecast  –  GAP


How to detect bottlenecked pipelines in GAP  –  GAP